Our MissionOur mission is to save at-risk shelter pets through rescue, community involvement and education. Our vision is to inspire and involve communities, organizations, and individuals in SVPP's life-saving work. Our OrganizationSilicon Valley Pet Project was founded in November of 2014 and is a San Jose-based organization. Inspired by the innovative spirit of Silicon Valley, our goal was to create a professional, sustainable animal welfare organization that celebrates rescue pets. We embrace teamwork, professionalism, and flexibility in our organization, all with the goal of helping more animals in our community. We are proud to be the first San Jose based network partner of Best Friends Animal Society. SVPP strives to make the experience of volunteering, fostering, adopting, and/or donating to our organization rewarding, educational, supportive, and community-focused. We are an animal welfare organization that is first and foremost a people organization. We could not do what we do without every person who volunteers, fosters, adopts, or donates to SVPP. Check out our Newsletters for more information about SVPP's work over the years. Our PetsSVPP rescues, rehabilitates, and rehomes both cats and dog of all breeds, as well as senior and special-needs pets, that are at risk of euthanasia. These animals may need significant medical or behavioral care. We value our partnership with the San Jose Animal Care Center (SJACC), Silicon Valley's largest municipal animal shelter, Tricity Animal Shelter in Fremont, and County of Santa Clara Animal Services and work closely with them on special-needs cases. As we have no central facility, rescued pets are fostered and nurtured in volunteers' homes in the Bay Area. While a significant portion of our time and resources goes to assessing, rehabilitating, and rehoming these at-risk animals, we are also focused on bringing awareness to the plight of homeless animals in Silicon Valley and providing guidance to the community on how they can help.